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Eremurus (Lírio de rabo de raposa)

Eremurus (Lírio de rabo de raposa)

Eremurus (Lírio de rabo de raposa)

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Fans of decorative floriculture often want to decorate their gardens with unusual but easy plants. Eremurus (also known as a foxtail lily) is great for decorating any flower bed because of its tall, bright, and pleasing flower. It is additionally a perennial which significantly reduces the efforts required for annual transplantation. Therefore, foxtail lilies will become a standard decoration of your garden and a source of your pride. Planting and caring for these flowers is not as difficult as it may seem at the first glance.

Decorative Features of the Foxtail Lilies Eremurus Bulbs and Corns for Sale

This genus unites more than 40 varieties and hybrids. The original name, foxtail lily eremurus, consists of two Greek words meaning “desert” and “tail”. Looking at the dense, tall peduncles, one can immediately understand why people who lived in ancient civilization named this plant that way.

Bell-shaped yellow, brown, dusty red or pink flowers on the peduncle are placed in a spiral. Foxtail lily bulbs bloom between 10 and 40 days from the bottom of the inflorescence. The duration of flowering directly depends on the type and variety of plants. Tall and dense inflorescences of the eremurus bulbs are good for the group and single plantings. They can be used for zoning, decorating fences, and planting a flower garden. Snow-white, yellow, and pink dense flowers are used to decorate a natural or desert landscape.

Diversity of the Foxtail Lily Bulbs

The plant has many species, but the following varieties prevail in our gardens:

By hybridizing foxtail lily plants for sale, botanists have developed new varieties that are often used in landscape designs. The colour of flowers in the inflorescence of Cleopatra is fiery pink, and they can reach a height of 120 cm. The flowers are densely located in the peduncle and create a single solid veil.

It is quite easy to care for the flower. From spring to the end of summer, the plant should be provided with very abundant watering in dry, hot weather. If it rains regularly, or if the soil is wet all the time, watering may not need to be carried out at all. After the plant blooms in June, it should no longer be watered.

Cultivation of the Eremurus in Pots

Having bought foxtail lily bulbs for sale, you may be wondering if it is possible to cultivate the eremurus in pots. This flower reproduces in two ways: vegetative and by eremurus seeds. The first way is not difficult, but the second way is rather long and complex. Once the flowers are propagated by seed, blooming is expected only after at least 5 years. This method is not entirely possible for gardeners, so we recommend buying eremurus bulbs for sale and enjoying a faster result.

Back to the question of cultivation in pots, most foxtail lily bulbs for sale are possible to plant in this way. During cold weather, they are often transplanted into containers and covered 25-30 cm deep with a layer of leaves. However, the leaves tend to turn yellow at the peak of flowering. In a garden, this will not be a problem because other low-growing plants can be located in front of this plant.

Is There Any Foxtail Lilies Sale? Eremurus Foxtail Corns and Bulbs

The online store Dutch-bulbs.com regularly announces sales and special offer updates. So, you can easily find eremurus plants for sale and order popular and rare varieties directly from Dutch farmers. The quality of planting materials on the foxtail lilies sale doesn’t cause any worries because all of our bulbs, seeds, and perennials are at Dutch standards. Therefore, if you buy eremurus on Dutch-bulbs.com, you get a 100% money-back guarantee along with fast delivery for 30 countries of the world.

Don’t hesitate to contact our support team if you have any individual requirements or shipment requests. Our team will do our best to please you with favourable prices and high-quality planting materials.  

Frequently asked questions about Spring Flowering Eremurus (Lírio de rabo de raposa)

O que são cebolas Eremurus (lírio de rabo de raposa) da Holanda?

Os bolbos de Eremurus, também conhecidos como lírios de rabo de raposa, são uma variedade especial de bolbos provenientes dos Países Baixos (Holanda). Estas plantas caracterizam-se pelas suas inflorescências altas e impressionantes e pelas suas cores vivas.

Porque devo comprar bolbos de Eremurus (lírio rabo-de-raposa) da Holanda?

Os bolbos de Eremurus da Holanda são conhecidos pela sua elevada qualidade e pela sua capacidade de desenvolver flores impressionantes e atractivas. Os produtores holandeses são conhecidos mundialmente pela sua experiência e conhecimento no cultivo destes bolbos.

Qual é a melhor altura para plantar bolbos de Eremurus (lírio rabo-de-raposa)?

A melhor altura para plantar bolbos de Eremurus da Holanda é no outono. Nos meses mais frios, os bolbos têm tempo suficiente para se desenvolverem e florescerem vigorosamente na primavera.

Quando é que os bolbos de Eremurus (lírio rabo-de-raposa) da Holanda florescem?

A época de floração do Eremurus varia consoante a variedade e a localização, mas geralmente ocorre no final da primavera ou no início do verão. As impressionantes inflorescências podem florescer durante várias semanas, dependendo das condições climatéricas e dos cuidados a ter.

Onde posso comprar bolbos de Eremurus (Foxtail Lily) da Holanda?

Pode comprar cebolas Eremurus de alta qualidade da Holanda na nossa loja online. Oferecemos uma vasta gama de variedades e garantimos a frescura e a qualidade dos bolbos, que vêm diretamente dos Países Baixos. Encomende já e embeleze o seu jardim com estas flores fascinantes!