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Caladiums (Angel Wings)

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Caladium bulbs at an affordable price

Caladium is a perennial herbaceous stemless plant of the family Aroideae. It can grow up to 50 cm in diameter and 40 cm high. The two most common indoor species are Humboldt's Caladium and Bicolor, both native to Brazil.

The plant has lance-shaped or arrow-ovoid leaves. Its numerous hybrids are highly variable in colour, each with its own pattern and leaf shape and a unique combination of colours in the pattern (purple, yellow, white, pink, green and red).

For those who decide to buy a caladium plant, its picturesqueness motivates them to buy it. The plant may produce small flowers tucked into an inflorescence cob during the spring.

The care varies from variety to variety, but it is not suited to outdoor use. For the Brazilian settlers to feel most at home, you should choose a bright but not sunny location from spring until autumn. At other times, light is not essential. It is only essential that the temperature in the room is maintained between 20-25°C.

If you find it difficult to choose, our specialists will gladly help you. Also, a pleasant surprise for you will be our attractive prices and high-quality products. The delivery is carried out by mail to any part of Europe.