Peony plant
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Peony Plants and Roots
Peonies, also called Paeonia, are luxury and beautiful plants that grow almost anywhere. These beautiful plants can entirely transform the overall design of your garden. If well taken care of, peonies can last for more than 100 years, and have a fantastic climate resilience, surviving even in zone 2’s chilly winters.
With a myriad variety of peony plants for sale, from classic varieties to new peonies (bushes, bulbs) with blooms in captivating colours such as pinks and yellows, there is, without a doubt, a peony plant for sale that suits your colour preference and taste. Fragrant blooms also vary significantly in shape, but the most common forms are single and double.
A florist looking for peonies for sale can choose from a wide variety of peony cultivars available. However, note that different peony plants are adapted to different soil types and situations. This comes in handy when selecting the right peony plant to use in your home garden.
Most peonies are herbaceous. This means they die back to the ground after the blooming season. Another category is tree peonies which are typically deciduous shrubs. The last category is ITOH peonies which merges the characteristics of the first two; they are halfway between the first two.
How to Buy Peony Bulbs
Do you want to buy peony plants but you don’t know where to start? Sit back and relax. We have an impressive collection of some of the most colourful and beautiful peony plants to rejuvenate your garden. The peony plants will blend flawlessly with any border display and catch the attention of any passers-by.
Peony ‘Coral Charm’
The flowering of ‘Coral Charm’ starts in June and slowly transforms its colour as it blooms starting with salmon pink to orange and finally yellow. Reaching a height of 90 cm, this is undoubtedly the best choice for a border.
Peony ‘Duchess of Kent’
Originating from Japan, this peony plant grows up to a height of 1.2 m. The buds originate in May and stay open throughout May revealing a ruffled bloom with a violet colour.
Peony ‘Hillary’
Peony ‘Hillary’ is a unique ITOH peony. It looks like a 'bush' with magenta and apricot tone blooms and spicy fragrance.
Peony ‘Lollipop’
Peony ‘Lollipop is an another type of ITOH peony. It has delicate foliage, but the stems hold the flowers perfectly. This type grows in a ‘bush’ form reaching up to 80 cm high.
Peony ‘Pink Hawaiian Coral’
If you are looking for early-blooming peonies for sale, then you should choose 'Pink Hawaiian Coral'. This would be a perfect extension of your peony season in your garden since it flowers to late May. It grows easily and produces sizeable coral-pink blooms, reaching 90 cm high.
How to order peonies
Surprise your loved ones and friends with a peony bouquet from your garden. This is one of the best ways to show love to the people who are dear to you. Order peonies online through our platform and get them quickly.
Peony bush for sale
Small and compact, growing between 60-90 cm high in a lush and bushy form, this is an excellent selection for minimalist florists. The peony bushes for sale could be herbaceous or intersectional peonies. The herbaceous peony grows to 60-90 cm high while intersectional ones grow up to 75 cm tall.
How to grow peony roots
Perhaps you have seen peony flowers in the garden of your neighbour, and you want to grow yours. Well, it all starts with peony roots. When you order your peony roots from our website, they will be delivered immediately. You need to plant them as soon as you get them. The best time to order your peony roots is in spring or autumn.
When planting, don’t plant them too deeply, this may not give you the best results. Make sure you have put well-rotted organic matter and apply fertiliser in spring. Don’t overwater your peonies.
Can I buy peonies at wholesale price?
Where can I buy peony plants at a wholesale price? Well, you don't have to wonder anymore. Here at dutch-bulbs.com, you will get wholesale peony plants and roots. Check our site and see what we have for you for this season.
Frequently asked questions about Spring Flowering Peony plant
Where is the Best Place to Buy Peonies?
The best place to buy peonies is where you are valued, and the provider is welcoming and happy to engage with you. Our store has a wide selection of peonies, fast delivery, professional and friendly staff. Visit us today and experience our unmatched world-class services.
Where Do Peonies Grow Best?
How Do You Care for Peonies?
What Kind of Peonies Are Popular?
These perennials have numerous varieties that can be overwhelming to decide which to choose, especially if you are not well acquainted with peonies. But, if you are looking for popular types to plant in your garden, clematis, Itoh peonies, and tree peonies are your best choice.
Where can I buy peony plants and bulbs from the Netherlands?
The peony plants and bulbs in our online shop come from the Netherlands, which is known for its high-quality flower bulbs and plant breeding. We source our bulbs from trusted suppliers to ensure they are of high quality.