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Begonia Bulbs

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Colour your summer with these spectacular flowers both indoors and outdoors. Begonia flowers are tropical orBegonia Flowers for Sale subtropical. So, when you want to have a colourful environment throughout, you can plant it indoors to serve you all year.

The perennial flowering plant is an early boomer and comes in different types. You can choose to mix them for a colourful outdoor environment. Some of the most common types of begonia include:

Wax Begonias

These flowers belong to the semperflorens group of begonias. They are also available as hybrids called Dragonwing begonias. This variety has wider flowers and leaves than the native ones.

They thrive outdoors with the sun to shade preference. They grow approximately 6-12 inches.

Tuberous Begonias

They perform exceptionally well when planted in pots and jars. These flowers grow more than wax begonias and reach 12-18 inches.

Hardy Begonias

This begonia flower is a hybrid that is hardy to zone 6. It belongs to a Chinese species called begonia gradis and produces small flowers.

Cane Begonias

They grow upright up to 12 inches when planted indoors. These flowers can also grow outside to a relatively high height of 5 feet. They produce beautiful flowers with an incredible colour mix.

Rhizomatous Begonias

They grow horizontally, and their particularly thick stems distinguish them from other begonia flowers.

Rex Begonias

They are obtainable throughout the year and are a sub-category of rhizomatous begonias. They do well when mixed with other flowers and are excellent houseplants.

Begonia Plant Care

If you want to have a begonia flower bed, it is not a complicated task. You can do it provided you have the right climate and healthy seeds for planting. This is how to plant begonia:

  • Find soil that drains well and put it in your planting container/jar when growing for in house
  • Look for an area that has sun-shade for outdoor planning
  • Divide your pot begonia when it starts becoming crowded to ensure the plant continues thriving
  • Use fertilizers for healthy plants and fuller foliage
  • Allow the soil to dry a bit to prevent rotting the plant before watering. When watering, make sure you do not make the leaves wet to avoid fungi infection. Use the plant base instead.
  • When your begonia starts turning yellow, trim the foliage. Because tuberous begonias die, dig their tubers when summer is nearing the end, wash and dry them. Once dry, preserve them for next season’s planting.
  • Since hybrids don’t die, keep their foliage trimmed when they start turning and prune them lightly for healthy plants.

When to Plant Begonia

After you have met all the planting conditions, the next thing is to choose when to plant begonia bulbs. Begonia Bulbs for Sale

As we have seen, these plants do not love wet places. So, when summer is over, and frost begins, do not attempt to put your bulbs in the ground. They will start rotting, and you can forget about next summer bloom.

Instead, wait until spring when the weather starts getting warm. During this time, you can begin preparing seedbeds on well-draining areas to enjoy a flourishing flower bed when you put your seeds in the ground. The ideal planting temperature is between 180 C and 210 C.

Since these flowers come in a variety, you can find begonia seeds for sale for the variety you want. We supply the healthiest bulbs for sowing so you can appreciate summer when it comes. They are big enough to ensure you get wide flowers and foliage for your outdoors.

Buy Begonia Plants for Sale

Are you looking for where to buy begonia bulbs? We offer you a great online shopping experience so you can access all begonia flowers. Once you spot a specific variety, you can reach us and get begonia bulbs for sale to put them in your garden or planting baskets.

We will share with you invaluable information on how to plant a begonia bulb for a successful bloom.  However, before buying the summer flowering bulbs from us, make sure you have the right planting conditions and enough space for your flowers.

Additionally, we show you how to take care of the begonia plant from sowing to maturity. We provide you with this information to help you keep the plant for several years before buying others.

Would you like a quote for our begonia for sale? Visit our online store and talk to our super supportive staff and get your questions answered. 

Frequently asked questions about Spring Flowering Begonias

How to Plant and Care for Begonias?

Begonias are not winter hardy and cannot tolerate any exposure to frost. In spring, plant them after the last risk of ground frost has passed. We recommend to start up begonias indoors 4 - 6 weeks before planting them outdoors to get a "jump start" on the season and produce earlier blooms. In fall, dig up the begonia bulbs before the first frost and store them, layered in peat or vermiculite, in a cool dry place, for replanting the following spring.

What type of light do begonias need?

Home-grown begonia needs consistency. In this regard, you should choose a specific place where the flower will stand all the time. Pay attention to the fact that the plant shouldn’t be in direct sunlight but at the same time, it requires a lot of light. Decorative-flowering species are especially light-requiring.

How deep to plant begonia bulbs?

Make a little hole and place there the bulb (with the growth points upwards). Try to place the begonia bulb neatly. Then you need to sprinkle it with earth on top to leave the buds open. Later, when the young sprouts of begonia reach a size of 4-5 cm, it will be necessary to add more substrate and cover the bulb.

What month do you plant begonia bulbs?

The best time to plant begonias is spring. Start in the second half of March, after the duration of daylight hours becomes suitable for its growth. This way, you will get strong plants. Other great flowers to plant in spring are dahlias and gladiolus.

What begonias would you recommend for planting?

As a tuberous plant, begonia needs preliminary germination. To do this, place the bulbs on top of the substrate but not bury them in the earth and place them in a good lit, cool place with a temperature from 16 °C to 18 °C and a humidity level of 60% to 70%. For summer flowering bulbs, check anemones, irises, and gloxinias.