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Roses fascinate us with their beauty and impeccable aroma. The genus includes around 150 species of evergreen shrubs and climbers, along with thousands of hybrid flowers. In recent years, breeders have done a great job by creating many varieties that bloom for a long time and have high resistance to disease and adverse weather. Nowadays, you could find plenty of roses for sale, including unique wild and miniature species. Let’s study the best plants of this kind in detail.

Virgin Beauty of Garden Roses

Garden roses are the true queens of any garden. If you want to create a colourful border or decorate a flower bed, Floribunda roses are ideal. Be careful when choosing rose seedlings. No one wants to spend your time, effort, and money on planting flowers that are sensitive to adverse conditions. Instead, we recommend considering disease and frost-resistant roses. This is exactly what you can find in the catalogue of Dutch-bulbs.com.

Among the popular representatives of Floribunda roses, pay attention to the following types:

  • Iceberg
  •  Arthur Bell
  • Concerto
  • Nina Weibull
  • Julia Child
  • Love Song
  • Lumina

Decorate your flower beds with fantastic flowers and a variety of colours. Depending on your personal taste, you can combine the Floribunda rose with climbing species or even a potted rose tree.

Universality of Rose Bushes

There are different flower shapes, such as peony roses, pompom, cup-shaped, cone-shaped, flat, spherical and other rose bushes. There is a wide selection of colours and shades. The one exception is bright blue roses. All kinds of combinations are widely represented by a huge number of varieties and hybrids that continue to appear almost every year. Modern bushes are the most winter-resistant of all existing species. However, they still require shelter for the winter. If you buy rose bushes, you will not regret it since they look great as single plants, as a group, and as a live hedge.

Why Should You Buy Rose Plants for Sale

There are many reasons why the rose plants for sale are worth your attention. We encourage you to take advantage of buying garden roses for sale because of the following reasons:

It Is Easy to Purchase Rose Plants Online

There is no need to visit any flower markets to purchase your favourite flowers. Nowadays, you could easily find an extensive assortment of rose plants online without leaving your home. Buy rose plants online and take advantage of mid-season sales and special offers.

You Can Order Bare Root Roses for Sale

During the cold season when the plants are dormant, online stores sell bare-root rose seedlings. There is a huge selection of bare root roses for sale available on Dutch-bulbs.com. If you are still not sure if it is worth buying these roses for garden, please pay attention to the following advantages:

  • They have lightweight packaging and delivery due to the small size of the planting material.
  • Dormant rose roots can spend more time on the road without losing quality.
  • Prices for bare root roses are initially lower, and you can also benefit from winter discounts at the end of the cold season.

You Can Grow Potted Roses Indoor

It should be noted that all types and varieties of roses are intended for growing in open soil, but some have been adapted for cultivation at home. Indoor potted roses are amazing flowers since they can decorate your house during the cold season. Even though it is not as easy to care for them, they are very popular among gardeners. Check the availability of potted roses for delivery, and order these lovely plants with just a couple clicks.

Finally, if you can’t select a plant for your garden, think about the main parameters of your desired flower such as height, width and shape, duration of flowering, or disease and frost resistance. Once you have decided on the desired attributes, it will be easier to select varieties according to your criteria. For example, there is a huge number of new varieties that bloom throughout the season and have a perfect bush.

If you still don’t know where to buy roses, check the assortment of flowers on Dutch-bulbs.com. Then, proceed to the selection of rose bushes online, and specify the delivery details. We also recommend visiting our Facebook page and following our blog to read more about your favourite species. Good luck!

Frequently asked questions about Spring Flowering Roses

Where Is the Best Place to Plant Roses?

Roses can be planted pretty much in most areas that receive lots of full sunshine, ideally 6-8 hours per day. But, if the weather at your place is extreme, the partial shade will do the plants some good. Plant them in well-draining soil and avoid soggy areas.

How Do You Care for Roses?

Space your rose bushes in a diameter of approximately 3ft to give room for airflow. It is crucial in preventing fungal infection. Water the bushes heavily since the plants take a lot. Additionally, prune them after some time to allow the plants to produce more blooms.

What Month Do You Plant Roses?

If you want big and healthy cut flowers from roses, plant them in the early spring. Anytime from late February to early April is a great time to plant them. Frost is often at its last phase, and it gives the plants enough time to become strong.

What Kind of Roses Are Popular?

Roses come in different varieties, but there are those which are normally more preferable than others. Although they mostly have the same gardening conditions, these two main species are what florists, gardeners, and other flower enthusiasts opt for:

How do I choose the right rose variety for my climate?

Choosing the right rose variety for your climate involves considering factors such as hardiness, disease resistance, and bloom time. Consult local gardening experts or extension services to find varieties suited to your region's climate and soil conditions. Many rose catalogs and plant descriptions also provide information on the ideal growing conditions for each variety.