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Picotee Begonias

Picotee Begonias

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Tuberous begonias are an excellent choice for a flowering plant that will light up your house or garden with its amazing colors and shapes. These plants are well-known for their enormous, beautiful flowers that range in color from white to pink to red to yellow. They also have appealing foliage, which can be green, bronze, or variegated. Tuberous begonias are simple to cultivate and care for as long as the proper circumstances and attention are provided. You'll discover everything you need to know about tuberous begonias in this article, including how to buy, plant, care for, and propagate them. You'll also learn some helpful hints for keeping them blooming and healthy throughout the season.

Tuberous Begonias for Sale

Finding a dependable source to buy tuberous begonias is one of the first stages in growing them. When it comes to purchasing tuberous begonias, you have various options, including:

  • Nurseries: Look for tuberous begonias that are already potted and ready to plant at your local nursery or garden center. This is an excellent alternative if you want to see the plants in person and select the ones that are most appealing to you. However, depending on availability and season, you may have a limited selection of varieties and colors.
  • Tuberous begonias can also be purchased online from reliable websites that specialize in the sale of bulbs and plants. If you want to have access to a greater choice of alternatives and costs, this is a convenient option. You can also read other customers' reviews and ratings and get extensive information about each product. However, you must exercise caution regarding the quality and condition of the plants when they arrive, as they may have been damaged or diseased during shipping.

Whatever option you select, make sure to buy tuberous begonias from reputable sources that guarantee the quality and health of their products. Consider the size, shape, color, and quantity of blooms of a plant before purchasing it. Plants with strong roots, stems, leaves, and buds should be selected.

Planting Tuberous Begonias

Once you have bought your tuberous begonias, you need to plant them in a suitable location where they can thrive and bloom. Here are some tips on how to plant tuberous begonias:

  • Choose a spot that receives partial shade or filtered sunlight. Tuberous begonias do not like direct sun exposure, as it can scorch their leaves and flowers. They prefer bright but indirect light for about 4 to 6 hours a day.
  • Prepare the soil by adding organic matter such as compost or peat moss. Tuberous begonias like well-drained but moist soil that is rich in nutrients and slightly acidic (pH 5.5 to 6.5). Avoid heavy clay or sandy soil that can cause water logging or drought.
  • Dig a hole that is about twice as wide and deep as the root ball of your plant. Gently remove the plant from its pot and loosen the roots slightly. Place the plant in the hole so that the top of the root ball is level with the soil surface. Fill the hole with soil and press it firmly around the plant.
  • Water your plant thoroughly after planting it. Make sure the soil is moist but not soggy. You can also add a layer of mulch around the plant to help retain moisture and prevent weeds.
  • Space your plants about 12 to 18 inches apart if you are planting them in groups or containers. This will allow enough room for air circulation and growth.

Care of Tuberous Begonias Plants

Tuberous begonias are relatively easy to care for once they are established in their location. However, they do require some regular maintenance and attention to keep them healthy and blooming.

Water your plants regularly but moderately. Tuberous begonias like moist but not wet soil. You should water them when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering or underwatering them, as this can cause root rot or wilting.

Fertilize your plants every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted at half strength. Tuberous begonias need extra nutrients to produce large and colorful blooms. However, do not over fertilize them, as this can cause leaf burn or excessive growth.

Tuberous begonias are generally resistant to most pests and diseases, but they can still be affected by some common problems such as aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, powdery mildew, botrytis blight, stem rot, etc. To prevent these issues, you should inspect your plants regularly and remove any dead or diseased parts. You should also keep your plants clean and well-ventilated by removing any fallen leaves or debris around them. If you notice any signs of infestation or infection, you should treat your plants with an appropriate insecticide or fungicide according to the label instructions.

Picotee Begonias

How to Keep Tuberous Begonias Blooming

One of the main attractions of tuberous begonias is their spectacular blooms that last from late spring to early fall. However, if you want to enjoy their flowers for as long as possible, you need to follow some simple steps:

  • Deadhead your plants regularly by removing any faded or spent flowers with scissors or your fingers. This will encourage new buds to form and prevent seed production which can reduce flowering.
  • Provide proper light and temperature conditions for your plants. Tuberous begonias prefer bright but indirect light for about 4 to 6 hours a day. They also like warm but not hot temperatures ranging from 60°F to 75°F during the day and 50°F to 60°F at night.
  • Avoid stressing your plants by exposing them to extreme weather conditions such as strong winds, heavy rains, frost, or drought.

Tuberous Begonias Bulbs

The word "tubers" refers to the thick, meaty roots of tuberous begonias. These tubers enable the plants to withstand tough circumstances by storing water and nutrients for them. But they also require a little extra tender loving care, especially in the winter.

  • When the foliage of your plants starts to yellow and die back in the fall, you should stop watering and fertilizing them. This will signal them to enter dormancy and prepare for winter.
  • After the first frost, you should cut off the stems and leaves of your plants and dig up the tubers carefully with a spade or fork. You should gently shake off any excess soil and inspect them for any signs of damage or disease. You should discard any tubers that are soft, rotten, or shriveled.
  • Then, you must keep your tubers in a location that is cool, dry, and dark, like a basement, garage, or closet. They may be put in a bag or box made of cardboard with peat moss, vermiculite, or sawdust. Make sure the tubers have ample airflow and are not touching one another. Additionally, you ought to check them frequently, getting rid of any that have mold or decay.
  • You should replant your tubers in the spring when the danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed up. You can start them indoors about 6 to 8 weeks before the last frost date by placing them in pots filled with moist potting mix. You should place them in a warm and bright location and water them sparingly until they sprout. You can then transplant them outdoors after hardening them off gradually.

Propagation of Tuberous Begonias

If you want to increase your collection of tuberous begonias or share them with your friends and family, you can propagate them in different ways. The most common methods of propagating tuberous begonias are:

  • Seed germination: You can sow tuberous begonia seeds in late winter or early spring by sprinkling them on top of moist potting mix in a shallow tray or container. You should cover the tray with a clear plastic lid or wrap to create a humid environment and place it in a warm and bright location. You should mist the seeds daily and remove the cover once they germinate. You can then transplant the seedlings into individual pots when they have two sets of true leaves.
  • Division of tubers: You can divide your tuberous begonia tubers in early spring before planting them by cutting them into sections with a sharp knife. Each section should have at least one eye or bud and some roots attached to it. You should dust the cut surfaces with fungicide powder to prevent infection and let them dry for a day or two. You can then plant them in pots filled with moist potting mix and place them in a warm and bright location until they sprout.
  • Cuttings: You can take stem cuttings from your tuberous begonia plants in late spring or early summer by cutting off 4 to 6 inch long pieces of healthy stems with at least two nodes each. You should remove the lower leaves and dip the cut ends in rooting hormone powder. You can then insert them into pots filled with moist potting mix and place them in a warm and bright location until they root.

Growing Tuberous Begonias

Growing tuberous begonias can be a rewarding and enjoyable hobby that can add beauty and color to your home or garden. However, it can also be challenging and frustrating if you do not follow some basic guidelines and avoid some common mistakes.

Choose the right varieties for your climate and location. Tuberous begonias come in different types such as upright, trailing, cascading, etc. They also have different sizes, shapes, colors, and patterns of flowers and foliage. You should choose the ones that suit your preferences and match your growing conditions.

Provide adequate drainage for your plants. Tuberous begonias do not like wet feet and can suffer from root rot if they sit in waterlogged soil. You should use pots with drainage holes or raised beds with loose soil to ensure proper drainage. Protect your plants from extreme temperatures. Tuberous begonias are sensitive to cold and heat and can be damaged by frost or sunburn. You should bring your plants indoors or cover them with clothes or newspapers when the temperature drops below 50°F or rises above 85°F.

Prune your plants regularly to maintain their shape and health. Tuberous begonias can become leggy, floppy, or crowded if they are not pruned properly. You should pinch off the tips of new growth to encourage branching and remove any dead or diseased parts to prevent infection.

Tuberous Begonias for Sale Near Me

If you are looking for tuberous begonias for sale near you, you might want to check out some local sources that might have them available. You can visit your local farmers market and look for vendors that sell tuberous begonias or other plants. This is a good way to support local growers and get fresh and healthy plants at reasonable prices. You can join a garden club or society that focuses on tuberous begonias or other plants. This is a good way to meet other enthusiasts who share your passion and get advice and tips on how to grow and care for your plants. You can participate in plant swaps or exchanges that are organized by garden clubs, nurseries, or online communities. This is a good way to get new varieties of tuberous begonias or other plants for free or at low cost.

Tuberous Begonias Sale

If you want to save money on buying tuberous begonias, you might want to look for sales or discounts that are offered by various sources throughout the year. Some of these sources are:

  • Nurseries: You can visit your local nursery or garden center and look for clearance sales or end-of-season discounts on tuberous begonias or other plants. This is a good way to get quality plants at reduced prices.
  • Online stores: You can browse through online websites that sell tuberous begonias or other plants and look for coupon codes, free shipping offers, bulk deals, or seasonal sales. This is a good way to get access to a wide range of options and prices.
  • Catalogs: You can request catalogs from reputable companies that sell tuberous begonias or other plants and look for special offers, loyalty programs, referral bonuses, or gift cards. This is a good way to plan ahead and order in advance.

Tuberous Begonias Plant Care

If you want to keep your tuberous begonia plant healthy and happy for a long time, you need to follow some simple steps on how to care for it properly.

Tuberous begonia plants like moist but not wet soil. You should water them when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering or underwatering them, as this can cause root rot or wilting.

Fertilize your plant every two weeks during the growing season with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted at half strength. Tuberous begonia plants need extra nutrients to produce large and colorful blooms. However, do not over fertilize them, as this can cause leaf burn or excessive growth.

Pest management: Tuberous begonia plants are generally resistant to most pests and diseases, but they can still be affected by some common problems such as aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, powdery mildew, botrytis blight, stem rot, etc. To prevent these issues, you should inspect your plant regularly and remove any dead or diseased parts. You should also keep your plant clean and well-ventilated by removing any fallen leaves or debris around it. If you notice any signs of infestation or infection, you should treat your plant with an appropriate insecticide or fungicide according to the label instructions.

Prune your plant regularly to maintain its shape and health. Tuberous begonia plants can become leggy, floppy, or crowded if they are not pruned properly. You should pinch off the tips of new growth to encourage branching and remove any dead or diseased parts to prevent infection. You should also remove any faded or spent flowers with scissors or your fingers. This will encourage new buds to form and prevent seed production which can reduce flowering.