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Crispa Begonias

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Crispa Begonias are an excellent choice if you want to add color, texture, and variety to your landscape or home. These are begonias with beautiful foliage and blooms that are simple to cultivate and maintain. This post will go through the fundamentals of Crispa Begonia care, propagation, and more.

What are Crispa Begonias?

The leaves and petals of Crispa Begonias, a kind of tuberous begonias, have wavy or crisped edges. They can produce single or double flowers and are available in a range of hues, sizes, and forms. Because they may produce a striking contrast with other plants or backgrounds, Crispa Begonias are prized for their decorative features. They bloom continuously from summer through autumn, making them long-blooming plants.

Crispa Begonias Varieties

There are many different varieties of Crispa Begonias available, and each one has its own special qualities and traits. Here are some common Crispa Begonia examples:

Angel Wing Crispa Begonias

Large, wing-like leaves on these begonias are frequently patterned or variegated. They produce clusters of pendulous, colorless, pink, red, or orange flowers. For hanging baskets or containers, they are perfect.

Iron Cross Crispa Begonias

The unusual leaves of these begonias feature a dark brown cross design on a green backdrop. They grow little pink flowers that stand out against the foliage. They work well in pots or borders.

Beefsteak Crispa Begonias

These begonias boast beautiful, spherical, thick, succulent leaves. They can produce white, pink, red, or yellow flowers that are huge and spectacular. They are ideal for patio planters or window boxes.

Crispa Begonias Care

Crispa Begonias are not difficult to care for, as long as you provide them with the right conditions and attention. Here are some tips on how to care for Crispa Begonias:

Crispa Begonias

  • Light requirements: Crispa Begonias prefer bright but indirect light. Avoid direct sun exposure, as it can scorch the leaves and flowers. A shaded or partly shaded spot is ideal for these plants.
  • Watering needs: Crispa Begonias like moist but well-drained soil. Water them regularly, but avoid overwatering or letting them sit in soggy soil. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Soil requirements: Crispa Begonias thrive in rich, organic soil that is slightly acidic to neutral. You can use a peat-based potting mix for container-grown plants, or amend your garden soil with compost or leaf mold.
  • Fertilization: Crispa Begonias benefit from regular feeding during the growing season. You can use a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks, or a slow-release granular fertilizer at the beginning of spring.
  • Pruning: Crispa Begonias do not require much pruning, except for removing dead or damaged leaves and flowers. You can also pinch back the stems to encourage bushier growth and more blooms.
  • Pest and disease control: Crispa Begonias are generally resistant to pests and diseases, but they can sometimes be affected by aphids, mealybugs, thrips, powdery mildew, or stem rot. You can prevent these problems by keeping the plants healthy and well-ventilated, and by inspecting them regularly for signs of infestation or infection. You can also use organic or chemical methods to treat any issues as soon as they arise.

Propagation of Crispa Begonias

If you want to multiply your Crispa Begonias, you can propagate them through various methods. Here are some steps on how to propagate Crispa Begonias through:

  • You can sow Crispa Begonia seeds in early spring in a tray filled with moist seed-starting mix. Cover the seeds lightly with soil and place the tray in a warm and bright location. Keep the soil moist but not wet, and mist the seeds daily to maintain humidity. The seeds should germinate in two to four weeks. When the seedlings have two sets of true leaves, you can transplant them into individual pots.
  • You can take stem cuttings from Crispa Begonias in late spring or summer. Choose healthy stems that have at least three nodes and cut them just below a node. Remove the lower leaves and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Insert the cutting into a pot filled with moist potting mix and press the soil firmly around it. Cover the pot with a plastic bag and place it in a bright but indirect light. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and remove the bag once a week to allow air circulation. The cutting should root in four to six weeks.
  • You can take leaf cuttings from Crispa Begonias at any time of the year. Choose healthy leaves that have prominent veins and cut them into wedges, making sure each wedge has a vein and a piece of stem attached. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone and insert it into a pot filled with moist potting mix. Press the soil firmly around it and cover the pot with a plastic bag. Place it in a bright but indirect light and keep the soil moist but not wet. Remove the bag once a week to allow air circulation. The leaf cutting should produce new plants at the base of the leaf in six to eight weeks.
  • You can divide Crispa Begonias in spring or autumn when they are dormant. Carefully lift the plant out of its pot or ground and shake off any excess soil. Use a sharp knife to cut the tuber into sections, making sure each section has at least one bud or eye. Dust the cut surfaces with fungicide and let them dry for a day or two. Then, plant them in fresh potting mix or garden soil and water them well.

Crispa Begonias for Sale

If you are interested in buying Crispa Begonias, you have several options to choose from. You can find Crispa Begonias for sale online from various websites that specialize in begonias or rare plants. You can also look for Crispa Begonias at your local garden centers or nurseries, especially during spring or summer when they are in season.


Crispa Begonias are a wonderful addition to any garden or home, as they provide beauty, diversity, and easy care. They come in many varieties, each with its own charm and appeal. They are also easy to propagate, so you can share them with your friends or family. If you want to grow Crispa Begonias, you can follow our guide on how to care for them, propagate them, and find them for sale. We hope you enjoy exploring the world of Crispa Begonias!

Frequently asked questions about Spring Flowering Crispa Begonias

What are Crispa Begonias?

Crispa Begonias are a unique variety of begonias known for their distinctive wavy or curled foliage. These begonias are prized for their ornamental leaves, which often feature intricate patterns and vibrant colors. They are popular choices for adding texture and visual interest to gardens, containers, and indoor spaces.

Do Crispa Begonias require any special care compared to other begonia types?

Crispa Begonias have similar care requirements to other begonia varieties but may need additional attention to maintain their distinctive foliage. Ensure they receive adequate moisture and humidity, especially when grown indoors, to prevent the leaf edges from drying out or curling excessively. Regularly remove any dead or damaged foliage to promote new growth.

How do I protect Crispa Begonias from pests and diseases?

Crispa Begonias are generally resilient against pests and diseases, but they can occasionally encounter issues such as aphids, spider mites, or powdery mildew. Regularly inspect the foliage for any signs of pests or disease, and take appropriate measures to control them, such as using insecticidal soap or neem oil for pests and applying fungicides for fungal infections.

Can Crispa Begonias be grown outdoors year-round in all climates?

Crispa Begonias are typically grown as annuals or tender perennials in most climates, as they prefer warm temperatures and are not frost-tolerant. In regions with mild winters, they may survive outdoors year-round with proper protection from frost and cold temperatures. In colder climates, they can be overwintered indoors or treated as annuals and replanted each spring.

How do I encourage vibrant foliage colors in Crispa Begonias?

To encourage vibrant foliage colors in Crispa Begonias, provide them with bright, indirect light and maintain consistent moisture in the soil. Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, as this can cause leaf burn or fading of colors. Additionally, regular feeding with a balanced fertilizer can help promote healthy growth and enhance the intensity of foliage colors.